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French Drain and Downspout solutions

July 24 2024

Are you having water problems that are being caused from your downspouts? We can re-route your downspouts to another location on your property. Find out more about the drainage options we have by visiting

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Water Runoff and Drain Solutions

February 16 2024

Spring is right around the corner, and that means spring showers. Do you have a water drainage problem? At Broad Excavating we will analyze and inspect the issue that you are experiencing, and then come up with solutions for the best way to properly resolve the problem at hand. It all starts with a call […]

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Flooding and damage

December 21 2023

Well, last week’s rain sure was anything but fun. Flooding in December is nothing that anyone wants to deal with, and temperature changes can cause a variety of additional issues. We appreciate everyone being patient and understanding as the calls were coming in from all over. We also appreciate the help from many other locals […]

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Water Mitigation and Drainage Solutions

September 15 2023

Fall is here soon, which also means rain and storms. Luckily, a core service of ours is water mitigation. If you are having a water runoff problem, we would be happy to discuss the solutions that we have available. Call us today at 610-588-6941

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Emergency Excavation

July 21 2023

What a week it has been. We have been dealing with many different urgent and emergency calls this week due to the excessive rain that we received over the weekend. We want to thank all the hard workers, volunteers, and safety responders that take the time to help ensure our safety when these unexpected events […]

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We resolve water and drain problems

April 28 2023

Have the recent storms indicated that you have a drainage problem? We have extensive experience in water mitigation solutions. We would be happy to discuss the issue that you are currently having, and discuss how we can help fix it. Begin by calling 610-588-6941.

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Retaining wall ideas

April 21 2023

Do you want or need a retaining wall? Many people think that a retaining wall is mainly for aesthetic reasons. Although it can be, the main reason and purpose for a retaining wall is within its name. It is to provide structural support to help keep soil in place and to help retain it. During […]

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Solving your water problems!

September 23 2022

Are you in need of water mitigation or drain solutions?   From excess water build up, to poor water runoff, we can help create a plan that works! Begin by calling Dave Broad at 610-588-6941. We offer Free Estimates!

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French Drain and water solutions

July 15 2022

Are you currently having water issues? From grading, water mitigation, drainage solutions, french drain systems and more we not only have the equipment, but more importantly the experience and knowledge, to help you with your water problem.

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French Drain options

April 22 2022

Are April showers bringing unexpected water problems? Feel free to call to discuss the water diversion and water mitigation options that we have available.

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Office - 610-588-6941
Mobile - 610-509-9736

183 OW Road
Bangor, PA 18013

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